Mindfulness Meditation Classes
Beginners Series (6 classes)
Wednesdays March 23 – April 27
10:30 am – 12:00 noon
and 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
“Meditation is not simply a form of spiritual practice, nor is it a form of endlessly seeking after the continuation of some desired experience.
Meditation is the art of freeing oneself from the cycle of compulsive thought, along with the reactive and conditioned emotional responses that it habitually creates.
To find a way beyond the compulsive and destructive addiction to thought is vital for clarity, focus and inner development.” Adyashanti
In these classes we will explore meditation as an art and a technique. We will explore meditations potential and its potential pitfalls.
We will bond as a group, develop a self-practice and allow poetry to guide our way.
If you have ever wanted to meditate or seeking to reestablish beginner’s mind this class is for you.
To register email or call 610.622.1245
Classes will be held in Lansdowne at my New Seed Sanctuary Center, 120 Windermere Ave, Lansdowne, PA.
Two classes on Wednesdays, morning and evening. Select what works best for you.