Living as Soul
with Lyratah & Maresha
March 19-20, 2016
The Piscean Age turned man’s focus to the heavens, enlisted devotion to an outer authority or dogma and inspired Faith to an outer God.
In the Aquarian Age we will shift from an emotional to a mental orientation, from an outer to an inner knowing and focus, from Duality to Oneness, from Personality to Soul conciousness.
Most of us are becoming increasingly more aware that we are at choice as to how we live our lives and from what vantage point.
In our first workshop earlier this year, we began to build the foundations to understanding the Soul and its importance; we discussed the 3 gateways to Divinity, the egoic vehicle, the Soul, the Monad. In Novembers workshop we will disengage from the personality to re-orient with Soul; begin to align and live as Soul, begin the shift to see through the eyes of the Soul.
In this workshop, both Lyratah, director of New Seed Sanctuary and Maresha, director of Snow Dragon Sanctuary will share from their prospective disciplines. Though their training is distinctly different their hearts and souls blend and easily find that place of mutual connection creating a new synergy of spiritual awareness, harmony, knowledge, beauty. Join us for the first of its kind teachings in service to humanity and the Hierarchy.
Bring a journal, pen and water