An Intro to The Soul
Its Purpose and Vehicle
with Lyratah
Saturday April 16th, 2016
11:00 am – 3:00 pm
By Donation suggested minimum $57
Who we are as humanity today has taken various stages of development to reach. We have arrived at a point of an unprecedented radical shift in consciousness as a collective, that at this point requires awareness, preparation, and work. Our next stage of development is away from the fear based, shifting sands of the personality into the strength, depth and power of Soul consciousness. Although predicted in texts as early as the 1920’s, the unrest and chaos we are experiencing in our world today, is the groundwork for the coming Shift of Consciousness.
“As above, so below…”
In this introductory workshop we will explore the signature of the human development through the ages bringing us to this point. The shift from personality to Soul. The implications for our world. Define the Soul and its vehicle? What is the process of becoming Soul-Infused?
To register or for info contact Lyratah: 610.922.1245
Class will be held at:
New Seed Sanctuary Center
120 Windermere Ave.
Lansdowne, PA 19050